We have owned our sailboat SIESTA since 1992. She is a version of the CSY production sailboats built in Tampa during the late 70's and early 80's. This section of our web site includes a lot of information about these boats, the company that built them, and the man who ran the CSY Corporation. It also includes information about all of the models that were built, interesting information about the CSY design philosophy and quality, and many other topics of great interest to CSY owners and "aficionados". There is a section on projects to customize these boats by their owners, and links to other web content pertinent to CSY Yachts. We have also added a section on the improvements we made to our own boat, in preparation for its voyage from San Francisco Bay to the Florida Keys in 2001-2003. To look at the Log of the SIESTA, with pictures and narrative of our trip from San Francisco to Florida, through the Panamá Canal, click here, or go to the URL www.marill.com/siesta in your browser. Enjoy and let us know what you think. We hope you will find the information of value.
On June 16th, 2003, almost two years since we left San Francisco Bay, we completed our voyage aboard our CSY 44 WT "SIESTA", from San Francisco, CA, via the Panamá Canal, back to our home base in the Florida Keys!
In 2004, we joined the Boy Scout Chartering program in the Florida Keys. This activity has been a source of great satisfaction for Captain Ed. For more information on this program, click here.
While in Port Royal, a beautiful protected anchorage on the southeast coast of Roatán, Honduras, we visited Peter Schmitt, the designer of the CSY boats. We got a tour of his 100' trawler, where he lives. He came aboard SIESTA, along with his wife Barbara, and we showed them the CSY material we have on our website. Peter was very pleased and surprised about the amount of detailed content in the CSY site, including internal memos of CSY Corporation. We chatted for quite a while about the old days at CSY. See pictures and story of this encounter with Peter Schmitt by clicking here.
STAY TUNED! In early 2004, Steve Silverman (SHEPERD's REST, CSY 44 WT) and I traveled to Tampa to meet Jack Van Ost, the visionary and energetic man who created CSY and drove it to produce boats of a quality better than none. We spent the better part of a morning talking about how he got into the boat-building industry and his thoughts about it. Stay tuned for my article relating the discussion we had in January of 2004. For a preliminary store, click here.
Also, check out the CSY links. There is a lot of information about CSY boats from their owners. Go to CSY Links!
We have lots of pictures and stories, and it will take quite a while to include all this material on our web site. Our current approach is to post many pictures and stories, broken down by region, and work on the detailed design, style, and presentation later, as we have time.
Below is a picture of our CSY 44 SIESTA anchored in the West Holandes Cays, San Blas Islands, Caribbean Panamá. The waters and the islands were picture-perfect!
To return to the home page of the Marill Family Web Site, click here. To go to the Log of the SIESTA, click here.
Direct any comments or questions to us by emailing us at: siesta2000(at sign)yahoo.com, where the (at sign) symbol is really the @ character. We do this to minimize spam. The following counter indicates the number of times
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These pages were last updated on Monday, September 17, 2007. |