
Home Up Washington DC Virginia Outer Banks Raleigh NW Atlanta Florida

Heading south from Washington DC, we stopped in Williamsburg, Jamestown, and Newport News. In Williamsburg, we stayed with Elaine and Bill Spaller, good friends from our IBM days. In Newport News, we stayed with Karen and Fred Sage, the parents of our new son-in-law.

Jamestown and Williamsburg have very interesting and significant histories. Bill gave us a short, but fairly complete tour of Williamsburg, but Ed forgot to bring his camera.

Williamsburg:  Bill Spaller and Ed worked together in IBM on the early multimedia PC's. We've kept in touch via email for quite a few years, but it was very special to get together with Bill and Elaine and spent some brief but quality time together. Bill even gave us a lightning-fast version of the Williamsburg tour. Their lovely home is located on a point overlooking the James river.



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Jamestown:  From Williamsburn, it is a short drive to Jamestown, another very interesting and pictoresque historical site. Although the weather was drizzly, we made the best of it and toured a good portion of the old settlement.                                                                 


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Newport News:  We thoroughly enjoyed our visit with Fred and Karen Sage, the parents of our son-in-law. We had a great dinner together and, although brief, we enjoyed visiting their home and enjoying their hospitality. Unfortunately, we forgot to take a picture of them while we were there.                                    

 Home Up Washington DC Virginia Outer Banks Raleigh NW Atlanta Florida