
Jean-Pierre Marill sent us the information below about an interesting and relevant web site concerning the Marill name. Take a look.


Genealogical site of the Marill family




Origin, meaning of the name

„A la recherche du temps perdu“

Oldest trace of a Marill

“En France”

In France

Birth statistics during the 20th century

“Dans le monde”

Across the world

“Arbre Généalogique”

Family Tree

More than 1500 individuals, 520 families, 350 surnames, 200 locations


“La troupe et les orphelins”

Listing of Marills considered as “orphans” because their cannot be linked yet to the our family tree

“Le Triangle des Marill”

The Marill Triangle

There are our roots

„Recherches au fil du temps perdu“

Selection of e-mails exchanged between genealogists


„Articles de presse“

Press articles

“Fichiers à télécharger”

Dowloadable files (Gedcom, HR7)

“Album de famille“

Family album

“Internet: mouchard à Marill”

Internet: spying Marill

“Acteurs du site”


“Livre d’Or”

Guest book

“Liens et addresses utiles”

Links & useful addresses


Languages of communication: Catalan, French, German, Spanish


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