The Bakers
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Mr. James D. Baker, Ruston's headmaster at the time of our tenure at Ruston, passed away in 2001. Until the very end, he was active in Ruston affairs. He dreamed of a new Ruston, and worked hard to infuse his vision on many Rustonians. His vision and Ruston memories will be published in his book in the near term. Jim Baker and his wife Sybil were, and still are, an inspiration to those of us who had the privilege of knowing them. 

These web pages are a tribute to their vision and leadership in shaping Ruston to be a very special place. Ruston Academy will forever exemplify a bi-cultural educational institution of the highest standards. 

Below are pictures of the Bakers, taken from old Ruston yearbooks, as well as more recent ones.

Remember to click on each small picture, if you want to see a larger version.


      JDBaker1b.jpg (49901 bytes)   jdbaker1.jpg (19595 bytes)   jdbaker2.jpg (13471 bytes)   jdbaker3.jpg (16660 bytes)

                SybilBaker1.jpg (26039 bytes)   sybilpiano1.jpg (27689 bytes)   SybilJimBaker1.jpg (13850 bytes)

Below are some pictures taken at the Ruston-Baker Educational Institution business meeting in the summer of 1997. This business meeting was held as part of a three-day general Ruston reunion. Jim Baker participated actively in this meeting. 

  jimchris1.jpg (29033 bytes)     rustonmeeting1.jpg (34915 bytes)     rustonmeeting2.jpg (32168 bytes) 


   Home Up The Bakers The Faculty Class of 1962