'04 Family Gatherings



            FAMILY GATHERINGS 2004

In 2004, as in previous years, we enjoyed many wonderful family gatherings. Here are some family pictures:

Be patient, particularly if you are connect via a telephone line. Click on small pictures to make them larger.


  • Christmas 2004

                             AniFredXmas2004web.jpg (138092 bytes)     DaisyDemetrioKenny2004web.jpg (52439 bytes)


  • Orlando's 80th birthday:


                         Abueloshijasnieta2004.jpg (46722 bytes)     niestas2004web.jpg (51673 bytes)


  • Sage's first visit to Delray



  • Eugenie and Leslie's son Erik's baptism ceremony


  AbuelaEric1web.jpg (49565 bytes)   NoelGeneEric1web.jpg (42777 bytes)   TereEric1web.jpg (35203 bytes)   FatherSonbaptism1web.jpg (33752 bytes)


  • Alicia and Fernando Castañeda´s Thanksgiving Celebration:


                        AliciaThanksgvng2web.jpg (47976 bytes)    Henrynwife1web.jpg (41278 bytes)


  •   Thanksgiving 2004 at Bill and Maida Brown´s



       CarvingTurkey1web.jpg (59849 bytes)   digitalcamera1web.jpg (77003 bytes)   KennyFredThanksg041web.jpg (31710 bytes)

       Duke1web.jpg (67807 bytes)    MaidaDaisyThanksg20041web.jpg (44407 bytes)   FamilyThanksg041web.jpg (128450 bytes)


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